WP Remix


We’ve had a number of customers recently mention that they have been cold called by someone in India claiming that their computer has a virus, system crash or other such problem. They subsequently offer to resolve the problem remotely.  I have no evidence of how good or bad their service might be but their initial claims are certainly have a hint of scam about them. They have no way of telling what problems you have with your PC without your knowledge, unless they’re already working for the “bad” guys of course. People should be suspicious of these kinds of calls.

Their website is https://www.onlinepcdoctors.com/ which looks quite professional. Don’t be fooled. They also appear to have national phone number for many countries. There are details of them operating in Ireland (click here), in the UK and in Australia (click here).

There’s also YouTube video of a simlar scam, also based in India  below:

Category : Articles

3 Responses to “Computer Support Scam”

Online Computer Support March 22, 2011

This happens a lot. There are lot of online support service providers. Though it is quick and easy, but there are risks of important data loss or secrecy revealed or any kind of fraud. It is, therefor, recommended to verify the service provider’s genuineness before taking his service.